Millersburg Pennsylvania
Millersburg is the northern terminus of the Moose Valley Railroad.
Trains originate and terminate at Penn Central's Millersburg yard, and in some cases
continue on as run-through equipment to Points such as Buffalo, or Binghamton via the
Delaware and Hudson Railway. The actual town of Millersburg and the yard there is
located west of this location which is called Pennatmiller. The Moose Valley will
continue past this point and tie on to the Penn Central. Since MV crews will soon be
looking at Pennsy style signals west of here, the Moose Valley has erected this pair at
Hillside Junction tower to give crews time to get used to the all amber position light
signals used in Millersburg. Here we see Alco C-425 number 129 on the point of
southbound train TV-21 enroute to the B&O at Greenspring yard. Unusual, in that
this train is sporting only a single unit today,
probably due to a power balancing problem. Since the Moose Valley grade profile is
predominantly uphill all the way to Millersburg, it seems likely that most of the power is
in Berkeley Springs or Greenspring and is being used for northbound moves. TV-21 is
a Trailvan or "Trailer Jet" train destined for the B&O, containing mostly
LCL freight.
History Happenings...
In 1967 the Moose Valley co-designed and tested the "Center-Sill" Car with
Pullman-Standard. This car went on to become what would commonly be known as
"the Impak car", an articulated 2 to 5 unit drawbar coupled car set which
revolutionized the Intermodal Rail industry.