Gentleman's Rules
No food or drink on or near the layout. This includes holding same while operating.
Do not touch equipment. You don't know how it's built or if the paint will react to your
skin oil. (The only exception is in the case of "catching" something that is
about to be damaged anyway.
Do not interfere with (using your hands) collisions. Improper operations or lack of
adherence to the established rules and polices must have real consequences as it would in
1:1 scale railroading.
Stalled equipment should be nudged by the coupler only - This being the exception to not
Derailed equipment requires the permission of the owner before re-railing - Handling may
be an issue.
Do not lean on the layout.
Do not rush. Remember - Safety First!
When in doubt, ask. The only dumb question, is the one not asked.
Do not crowd one another. Constant vigilance to avoid tripping or causing a spill is
necessary in our small basement.
Have Fun. - The most important rule of all.