Operating Session February 23rd 2008
A cold and rainy day welcomed this, the first OS of 2008, and the second of the season. Statistically, not a high performing OS in terms of trains or tonnage, but a well run and efficient OS it was, with all on-line customers receiving service from a full slate of locals. This fact alone contributed to the low numbers, but an excellent crew saw to it that the trains we did run, were executed with efficiency and the style the Moose Valley has become known for. With our usual yardmaster off-duty, trains were configured for maximum road time and all staged trains were operated. Of significant note, this OS introduced the use of complete signal system feedback with a computer display allowing the dispatcher to locate occupied blocks at a glance. This enhancement will hopefully result in higher numbers at the next OS, when we have less dedicated locals working the lines. Check the run sheet for performance stats.
The Moose Valley suffered its first employee injury, when engineman Grant Becker dismounted his unit, and slipped on the ice breaking his elbow. Grant checked into a local hospital on his way home and received a full arm cast! On behalf of the entire Moose Valley management team, and board of directors, we wish Grant a speedy recovery and hope to see him again soon.
Great crews, make a railroad great, and the Moose Valley has the best!