Operating Session November 25th, 2000
This was the fourth operating session of the year 2000, and the first for the 2000-2001 winter season.
Thanksgiving weekend dawned bright on the Moose
Valley. A good turnout of 11 operators provided the evening with a
memorable list of accomplishments. New for this operating session was the
newly opened Hermann-Beers yard, and a portion of the McKendree branch to Enid.
Startup was reasonably prompt at 1400 hours. A good performance was given.
Compare the statistics with the last OS.
A full 11 hours were put in by the crews. Three men who stayed overnight
in the YMCA were working late into the night. MV22-U was loaded after
midnight at Weeter Mine #2, and a very proficient WOR-25 retrieved a Penn
Central caboose from Caruthers tunnel that had been left
on its side for six months. This train worked an hour and a half using two
200 ton cranes to load the errant hack onto a flat car for transport to Greenspring
yard, arriving at 0120 hours.
Tom from Reading waits patiently for the passage of MV31-UET, the test train
from the McKendree Branch to pass his location at Hermann-Beers yard. The
Carlisle to Millersburg train MVRC-31 is the first to use the new facility at
milepost 30.0
M. Adams is reviewing the test data for the McKendree Branch, as he prepares
another train.
McKendree Branch alignment is visible behind engineman B. Gingrich as he makes
adjustments to his controls.
Arial view shows AJ-2 stalled on the hill, as a helper
from Berkeley Springs is dispatched to assist. Clerks M.T. Agne and T.
Beers await additional instructions for the next crew call, while Yardmaster R.
Gantz completes another wheel report at Greenspring. J. Gantz and M.L.
Agne assess the seriousness of the situation.
every bit the rappers they are, engineer M. Kohl and Signal Maintainer V. Kiehl
along with T. Beers asses the switching dilemma at
Hermann-Beers yard.
Kohl and T. Beers share the airwaves as they supervise the activities at their
respective locations.
what could be the last view of the Helix uncovered, a northbound train exits New
Oxford tunnel, and enters the town of Spruce Hill. The signals at Summit
are a misnomer, as the town of Spruce Hill is no longer the highest point on the
The town of Corvallis has grown somewhat, thanks to the prosperity that locomotive maintenance contractor Becker Controls has brought to the town. What the Becker facility lacks in size, it makes up for in capability. The Moose Valley has utilized their extensive high-tech environment to perform many high-end tests and configuration evaluations making the Moose Valley's own Dynamic Consist Control locomotive enhancement technology a winner in revenue generation and productivity assurance.
we see Berkeley Springs Roundhouse Foreman K. Mazer, discussing rescue options
for the stalled AJ-2.
Meanwhile, 32 miles north, another test train exits the McKendree branch with engineer M. Adams in charge.
Valley Alco C-435 number 119 exits New Tunnel having left Hermann-Beers yard as
the first Northbound revenue train from Carlisle. Engineer M. Kohl is at
the throttle. A short while later, his brace of chortling
beasts grind around Valley Loop.
Thanks to everyone for a great OS! Many thanks to Mike Keiser for the digital photography. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas from the management of the